Alexis Ignatius MoloneyAge: 83 years1887–1970
- Name
- Alexis Ignatius Moloney
- Given names
- Alexis Ignatius
- Surname
- Moloney
Birth | April 23, 1887 47 28 |
Baptism | May 1, 1887 (Age 8 days) Address: 2413 N. Grande Shared note: Mrs. "Grandma" Hurley was his godmother and he was baptized by W.H. Brantner, Pastor.
Death of a father | Timothy Fleming Moloney August 26, 1892 (Age 5 years) Shared note: Paralysis|| |
Burial of a father | Timothy Fleming Moloney about August 27, 1892 (Age 5 years) Shared note: Letter, Department of Veteran Affairs, Los Angeles National Cemetery, 950 S. Sepulveda Blvd., Los Angeles, CA, Helen B. Szumylo, Director, to LeRoy D. Moloney, June 30, 1992, with poloroid photo of gravestone.
Shared note: Burial Plot |
Census | 1900 (Age 12 years) Shared note: Vol. 101, Sheet 4, Line 80,
Marriage | Casilda Genoveva Salazar — View this family June 18, 1913 (Age 26 years) |
Birth of a daughter #1 | Bernadette Roberta Moloney March 16, 1914 (Age 26 years) |
Birth of a son #2 | Donald Salazar Moloney July 30, 1915 (Age 28 years) |
Death of a daughter | Bernadette Roberta Moloney June 10, 1916 (Age 29 years) |
Birth of a daughter #3 | Marie Josephine Moloney March 19, 1917 (Age 29 years) |
Birth of a daughter #4 | Lauretta Casilda Moloney November 6, 1918 (Age 31 years) |
Birth of a son #5 | Raymond Lawrence Moloney July 13, 1920 (Age 33 years) |
Birth of a son #6 | LeRoy Dunn “Bud” Moloney July 31, 1923 (Age 36 years) |
Birth of a son #7 | Emmett Arcadio Moloney January 5, 1927 (Age 39 years) |
Census | Type: U. S. Census 1930 (Age 42 years) Shared note: 1930 Census |
Death of a mother | Josephine M. Dunn 1931 (Age 43 years) |
Burial of a mother | Josephine M. Dunn June 24, 1931 (Age 44 years) |
Birth of a son #8 | Paul Francis Moloney April 26, 1933 (Age 46 years) |
Death of a wife | Casilda Genoveva Salazar October 30, 1964 (Age 77 years) |
Burial of a wife | Casilda Genoveva Salazar Type: Interment after October 30, 1964 (Age 77 years) Shared note: Casilda Salazar Moloney Find a Grave Citation |
_GCID | C25E6DE9-D870-430F-B0CD-CCC32F12AAFA |
_GCID | Casilda Genoveva Salazar — View this family 1A185521-F942-43FA-92E2-4500A8D0AB55 |
Death | October 10, 1970 (Age 83 years) Shared note: His death certificate was signed by C.A. Cassidy, M.D. He died at 5:30 am. His cause of death was caroinomatosis & melanocarcinoma.
Burial | October 1970 (Age 83 years) |
Family with parents |
father |
Timothy Fleming Moloney Birth: April 12, 1840 — Kilmallock, County Limerick, Ireland Death: August 26, 1892 — National Home for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers, Los Angeles, Los Angeles County, California, USA |
mother |
Josephine M. Dunn Birth: 1859 44 25 — St. Louis City, St. Louis, Missouri, USA Death: 1931 — St. Louis City, St. Louis, Missouri, USA |
Marriage: October 15, 1879 — St. Vincent's Church, St. Louis City, St. Louis, Missouri, USA |
8 years himself |
Birth: April 23, 1887 47 28 — St. Louis City, St. Louis, Missouri, USA Death: October 10, 1970 — Monte Vista Community Hospital, Monte Vista, Rio Grande County, Colorado, USA |
Family with Casilda Genoveva Salazar |
himself |
Birth: April 23, 1887 47 28 — St. Louis City, St. Louis, Missouri, USA Death: October 10, 1970 — Monte Vista Community Hospital, Monte Vista, Rio Grande County, Colorado, USA |
wife |
Birth: October 9, 1890 42 30 — San Luis, Costilla County, Colorado, USA Death: October 30, 1964 — Monte Vista, Rio Grande County, Colorado, USA |
Marriage: June 18, 1913 — San Luis, Costilla County, Colorado, USA |
9 months daughter |
Bernadette Roberta Moloney Birth: March 16, 1914 26 23 — St. Louis City, St. Louis, Missouri, USA Death: June 10, 1916 — San Luis, Costilla County, Colorado, USA |
16 months son |
Donald Salazar Moloney Birth: July 30, 1915 28 24 — San Luis, Costilla County, Colorado, USA Death: January 29, 1993 — Billings, Yellowstone County, Montana, United States |
20 months daughter |
Marie Josephine Moloney Birth: March 19, 1917 29 26 — San Luis, Costilla County, Colorado, USA Death: |
20 months daughter |
Lauretta Casilda Moloney Birth: November 6, 1918 31 28 — San Luis, Costilla County, Colorado, USA Death: September 6, 1982 — Boulder, Boulder County, Colorado, USA |
20 months son |
Raymond Lawrence Moloney Birth: July 13, 1920 33 29 — San Luis, Costilla County, Colorado, USA Death: December 15, 1997 — Fountain Hills, Maricopa County, Arizona, USA |
3 years son |
LeRoy Dunn “Bud” Moloney Birth: July 31, 1923 36 32 — San Luis, Costilla County, Colorado, USA Death: January 29, 2002 — Pomerado Hospital, Poway, San Diego County, California, USA |
3 years son |
Emmett Arcadio Moloney Birth: January 5, 1927 39 36 — San Luis, Costilla County, Colorado, USA Death: |
6 years son |
Paul Francis Moloney Birth: April 26, 1933 46 42 — Alamosa, Alamosa County, Colorado, USA Death: |
Baptism | Mrs. "Grandma" Hurley was his godmother and he was baptized by W.H. Brantner, Pastor. |
Census | Vol. 101, Sheet 4, Line 80, |
Census | 1930 Census House in Monte Vista value reported as $6250.00 owned. |
Death | His death certificate was signed by C.A. Cassidy, M.D. He died at 5:30 am. His cause of death was caroinomatosis & melanocarcinoma. |
Shared note | In the 1920's A.I. Moloney developed a seed company in San Luis, Colorado, through which he sold seeds by mail order and directly to market gardeners. He moved the business and his family to Monte Vista, Colorado, in 1927. In the early 1940's he developed a fertilizer mixing plant to sell commercial fertilizer to potato and barley farmers in the area. It was the second oldest mixing plant in Colorado. The business was incorporated as the Moloney Seed Company. The brand name of his fertilizer was Better Spuds. The farmers called it B.S. The business was sold to the Pure Oil Company in 1964. His sons, Emmett A. Moloney and LeRoy D. "Bud" Moloney, and his wife, Casilda S. Moloney, were also stockholders in the corporation |
Shared note | 1930 Census House in Monte Vista value reported as $6250.00 owned. |
Burial | Format: image/jpeg Image dimensions: 936 × 606 pixels File size: 529 KB |
Media object | Format: image/jpeg Image dimensions: 395 × 506 pixels File size: 71 KB |
Media object | Format: image/jpeg Image dimensions: 1,668 × 870 pixels File size: 694 KB |