

Kirk's 2-D Metaverse Portal

I am an emeritus professor of plant ecology and have just recently taken a serious interest in bird photography. This was spurred on in part by the Covid-19 pandemic of 2020 (parallelling the story of many currently active birders), which provided an opportunity to begin exploring the avifauna near home as a diversion during self lockdown. This story mimics that of many others who are now avid birders.

The photographic quality varies depending upon the ambient light conditions and the location of a bird. I will add better shots of a species if and when I luck upon them. I would also hope that the photographer is improving over time.

I hope you enjoy my efforts. Let me know of any errors in ID as I am only an amateur birder.

Jumping off Points

* Ecological Reasearch: I worked professionally as an Ecologist focusing primarily on invasive species, geographical realtionships, and plant ecology. I am now emeritus but continue to have an interest in ecology and the environment.

* Broken Wing Photography: This part of the site covers my interests in birding, photography and exploration through travel.

* Genealogy: This section of the site is based on the extensive work my parents did on their genealogical lineages. I am slowly converting their records to this online site. My efforts here have been dormant for a couple of years. I will hopefully start working on this again to homor my forbearers.