- Albatrosses to Buzzards
- Canvasbacks to Condors
- Coots to Currawongs
- Darters to Emus
- Fariywrens to Gannets
- Geese to Gulls
- Harriers to Kea
- Kestrels to Loons
- Lorikeets to Mockingbirds
- Moorhens to Oystercatchers
- Parakeets to Pigeons
- Pintails to Redshanks
- Redstarts to Serins
- Shags to Spoonbills
- Starlings to Terns
- Thrashers to Warblers
- Thrashers
- Thrushes
- Titmice
- Tits
- Towhees
- Tui
- Turkeys
- Turnstones
- Vireos
- Vultures
- Wagtails
- Warblers
- Leaf Warblers
- New World Warblers
- Sylviid Warblers
- Waterthrushes to Yellowthroats
Setophaga coronata
NM - "Audubon's"