- African Blue TitCyanistes teneriffae
- Alpine ChoughPyrrhocorax graculus
- Audouin's GullIchthyaetus audouinii
- Balck StorkCiconia nigra
- Barn SwallowHirundo rustica
- Bar-tailed GodwitLimosa lapponica
- Berthelot's PipitAnthus berthelotii
- Black-headed GullChroicocephalus ridibundus
- Black KiteMilvus migrans
- Black RedstartPhoenicurus ochruros
- Black-tailed GodwitLimosa limosa
- Black WheatearOenanthe leucura
- Black-winged StiltHimantopus himantopus
- Blue and Azure Tits* African Blue Tit * Eurasian Blue Tit *
- Bolle's PigeonColumba bollii
- Bonaparte's GullChroicocephalus philadelphia Rare vagrant from North America
- Booted EagleHieraaetus pennatus
- Calidris Sandpipers* Dunlin * Ruff * Sanderling * Curlew Sandpiper * Little Stint *
- Canary Island ChaffinchFringilla canariensis
- Canary Island ChifchaffPhylloscopus canariensis
- Cattle Egrets* Cattle Egret *
- Chaffinches* Canary Island Chaffinch * Common Chaffinch * Tenerife Blue Chaffinch *
- Choughs* Alpine Chough * Red-billed Chough *
- Cinereous VultureAegypius monachus
- Cisticolas and Allies* Ziitting Cisticola *
- Coal TitPeriparus ater
- Common BuzzardButeo buteo
- Common ChaffinchFringilla coelebs
- Common ChiffchaffPhylloscopus collybita
- Common GreenshankTringa nebularia
- Common GullLarus canus
- Common House-MartinDelichon urbicum
- Common PochardAythya ferina
- Common RavenCorvus corax
- Common RedshankTringa totanus
- Common RedstartPhoenicurus phoenicurus
- Common Ringed PloverCharadrius hiaticula
- Common SandpiperActitis hypoleucos
- Common ShelduckTadorna tadorna
- Common SwiftApus apus
- Common Wood-PigeonColumba palumbus
- Coots* Eurasian Coot * Red-knobbed Coot *
- Coots, Rails and Cranes* Eurasian Coot * Red-knobbed Coot* * Common Crane * Eurasian Moorhen * Purple Swamphen *
- Coots, Swamphens and Moorhens* Eurasian Coot * Red-knobbed Coot * Eurasian Moorhen * Purple Swamphen *
- Cormorants and Shags* Great Cormorant * European Shag *
- Cranes* Common Crane *
- Crested LarkGalerida cristata
- Crossbills* Red Crossbill *
- Crows, Jays, and Magpies* Alpine Chough * Red-billed Chough * Eurasian Jackdaw * Eurasian Magpie * Common Raven *
- Crows and Ravens* Eurasian Jackdaw * Common Raven *
- Curlews* Eurasian Curlew * Whimbrel *
- Curlew SandpiperCalidris ferruginea
- Dabbling Ducks* Gadwall * Mallard * Common Teal * Marbled Teal * Northern Shoveler *
- Dabbling Pochards* Red-crested Pochard *
- Diving Ducks* Ferruginous Duck * White-headed Duck * Common Pochard * Red-crested Pochard *
- DunlinCalidris alpina
- Egyptian GooseAlopochen aegyptiaca
- Eurasian BlackbirdTurdus merula
- Eurasian BlackcapSylvia atricapilla
- Eurasian Blue TitCyanistes caeruleus
- Eurasian CootFulica atra
- Eurasian Crag-MartinPtyonoprogne rupestris
- Eurasian CurlewNumenius arquata
- Eurasian Goldfinches* European Goldfinch *
- Eurasian JackdawCorvus monedula
- Eurasian KestrelFalco tinnunculus
- Eurasian MagpiePica pica
- Eurasian Marsh-HarrierCircus aeruginosus
- Eurasian Serins and Canaries* European Serin * Island Canary *
- Eurasian SparrowhawkAccipiter nisus
- Eurasian SpoonbillPlatalea leucorodia
- Eurasian WigeonMareca penelope
- Eureopean StonechatSaxicola rubicola
- European RobinErithacus rubecula
- European SerinSerinus serinus
- European ShagPhalacrocorax aristotelis
- European StarlingSturnus vulgaris
- Falcons* Peregrine Falcon * Eurasian Kestrel * Lesser Kestrel *
- Ferruginous DuckAythya nyroca
- Finches and Allies* Common Chaffinch * Red Crossbill * Eurasian Linnet * Eurasian Siskin * European Goldfinch * European Greenfinch * European Serin *
- Firecrests, Goldcrests and…* Common Firecrest * Goldcrest *
- Flamingos* Greater Flamingo *
- GadwallMareca strepera
- Glossy IbisPlegadis falcinellus
- Godwits*Bar-tailed Godwit * Black-tailed Godwit *
- GoldcrestRegulus regulus
- Gray HeronArdea cinerea
- Gray WagtailMotacilla cinerea
- Great CormorantPhalacrocorax carbo carbo
- Great Crested GrebePodiceps cristatus
- Great EgretArdea alba
- Great Grey ShrikeLanius excubitor
- Great Herons* Great Egret * Gray Heron * Purple Heron *
- Great TitParus major
- Grebes* Great Crested Grebe * Little Grebe *
- Greenfinches* European Greenfinch *
- Green SandpiperTringa ochropus
- Green-winged TealAnas crecca crecca
- Griffon VultureGyps fulvus
- Gull-billed TernGelochelidon nilotica
- Gulls* Masked Gulls * Little Gull * Large Black-headed Gulls * Large White-headed Gulls *
- Hawks, Eagles, and Kites* Booted Eagle * Common Buzzard * Eurasian Marsh-Harrier * Eurasian Sparrowhawk * Black Kite * Red Kite * Cinereous Vulture * Griffon Vulture *
- Hawks, Eagles and Kites* Buzzards * Eagles * Sparrow Hawks * Kites * Vultures *
- Herons and Egrets* Herons * Egrets * Night-Herons *
- Hoopoes and Hornbills* Eurasian Hoopoe *
- House SparrowPasser domesticus
- Ibises and Spoonbills* Glossy Ibis * Eurasian Spoonbill *
- Indian PeafowlPavo cristatus
- Island CanarySerinus canaria
- Kentish PloverCharadrius alexandrinus
- Kinglets* Common Firecrest *
- Kites* Black Kite * Red Kite *
- Lapwings* Northern Lapwing *
- Large Black-headed Gulls* Audouin's Gull * Mediterranean Gull *
- Large White-headed Gulls* Common Gull * Lesser Black-backed Gull * Yellow-legged Gull *
- Larks* Crested Lark * Thekla's Lark *
- Laurel PigeonColumba junoniae
- Leaf Warblers* Canary Islands Chiffchaff * Common Chiffchaff * Western Bonelli's Warbler * Willow Warbler *
- Lesser Black-backed GullLarus fuscus
- Lesser KestrelFalco naumanni
- Linnets* Eurasian Linnet *
- Little GrebeTachybaptus ruficollis
- Little GullHydrocoloeus minutus
- Little Ringed PloverCharadrius dubius
- Little StintCalidris minuta
- MallardAnas platyrhynchos
- Mallards and Allies* Mallard * Green-winged Teal *
- Marbled TealMarmaronetta angustirostris
- Masked Gulls* Black-headed Gull * Bonaparte's Gull * Slender-billed Gull *
- Meadow PipitAnthus pratensis
- Mediterranean GullIchthyaetus melanocephalus
- Moorhens* Eurasian Moorhen *
- Night-Herons* Black-crowned Night-Heron *
- Nuthaches* Eurasian Nuthatch *
- Old World Buntings* Reed Bunting *
- Old World Flycatchers and Chats* Black Redstart * Common Redstart * European Robin * European Stonechat * Black Wheatern * Western Black-eared Wheatear *
- Old World Pigeons* Bolle's Pigeon * Laurel Pigeon * Rock Pigeon * Common Wood-Pigeon *
- Old World Sparrows* House Sparrow * Spanish Sparrow *
- Osprey* Osprey *
- Pallid SwiftApus pallidus
- Parrots* Monk Parakeet *
- PasserinesPerching Birds * Too many to list *
- Peregrine FalconFalco peregrinus
- Pied AvocetRecurvirostra avosetta
- Pigeons and Doves* Common Wood-pigeon * Eurasian Collared Dove * Rock Pigeon *
- Pipits* Berthelot's Pipit * Meadow Pipit * Water Pipit *
- Plain SwiftApus unicolor
- Plovers and Lapwings* Common Ringed Plover * Northern Lapwing * Kentish Plover * Little Ringed Plover *
- Pond Herons* Squacco Heron *
- Pratincoles* Collared Pratincole *
- Purple HeronArdea purpurea
- Red-billed ChoughPyrrhocorax pyrrhocorax
- Red KiteMilvus milvus
- Red-knobbed CootFulica cristata
- Red-legged PartridgeAlectoris rufa
- Rock PigeonColumba livia
- RuffCalidris pugnax
- SanderlingCalidris alba
- Sandpipers and Allies* Curlews * Godwits * Sandpipers * Shanks * Snipes * Turnstones *
- Sandwich TernThalasseus sandvicensis
- Sardinian WarblerSylvia melanocephala
- Scaups and Pochards* Common Pochard * Ferruginous Duck *
- Shanks, Tattlers and allies* Common Greenshank * Common Redshank * Green Sandpiper * Wood Sandpiper *
- Shorebirds* Avocets * Gulls * Plovers * Pratincoles * Sandpipers * Stilts * Terns *
- Shovelers and Teal* Northern Shoveler *
- Shrikes* Great Grey Shrike * Woodchat Shrike *
- Siskins* Eurasian Siskin *
- Slender-billed GullChroicocephalus genei
- Song ThrushTurdus philomelos
- Spanish SparrowPasser hispaniolensis
- Spectacled WarblerCurruca conspicillata
- Spotless StarlingSturnus unicolor
- Starlings* European Starling * Spotless Starling *
- Stifftails* White-headed Duck *
- Stilts and Avocets* Pied Avocet * Black-winged Stilt *
- Storks* Black Stork * White Stork *
- Swallows and Martins* Barn Swallow * Common House-Martin * Eurasian Crag-Martin *
- Swamphens* Purple Swamphen *
- Swifts* Common Swift * Palid Swift * Plain Swift *
- Sylviid Warblers* Eurasian Blackcap * Sardinan Warbler * Spectacled Warbler * Western Subalpine Warbler *
- Tenerife Blue ChaffinchFringilla teydea
- Terns* Gull-billed Tern * Sandwich Tern * Whiskered Tern *
- Thekla's LarkGalerida theklae
- Thrushes and Bluebirds* Eurasian Blackbird * Song Thrush *
- Tits, Chicadees, and Titmice* African Blue Tit * Coal Tit * Euarsian Blue Tit * Great Tit *
- True Redstarts* Black Redstart * Common Redstart *
- Turnstones* Ruddy Turnstone *
- Turtle and Collared DovesEurasian Collared-Dove
- Typical Egrets* Little Egret *
- Typical Plovers* Common Ringed Plover * Kentish Plover * Little Ringed Plover *
- Typical Snipes* Common Snipe *
- Upland Gamebirds* Indian Peafowl * Red-legged Partridge *
- Vultures* Cinereous Vulture * Griffon Vulture *
- Wading Birds* Egrets * Flamingos * Herons * Ibises * Spoonbills *
- Wagtails* Gray Wagtail * White Wagtrail *
- Wagtails and Pipits* Meadow Pipit * Water Pipit * Gray Wagtail * White Wagtail *
- Waterbirds* Coots * Cranes * Cormorants * Grebes * Shorebirds * Wading Birds * Waterfowl *
- Waterfowl* Ducks * Geese * Shelducks *
- Water PipitAnthus spinoletta
- Western Black-eared WheatearOenanthe hispanica hispanica
- Western Bonelli's WarblerPhylloscopus bonelli
- Western Subalpine WarblerCurruca iberiae
- Wheatears* Black Wheatear * Western Black-eared Wheatear *
- WhimbrelNumenius phaeopus
- Whiskered TernChlidonias hybrida
- White StorkCiconia ciconia
- White WagtailMotacilla alba
- Wigeons and Allies* Gadwall * Eurasian Wigeon *
- Willow WarblerPhylloscopus trochilus
- Woodchat ShrikeLanius senator
- Woodpeckers* Great Spotted Woodpecker *
- Wood SandpiperTringa glareola
- Wrens* Eurasian Wren *
- Yellow-legged GullLarus michahellis