- American Black DuckAnas rubripes
- American Black DuckAnas rubripes
- American CrowCorvus brachyrhynchos
- American GoldfinchSpinus tristis
- American RobinTurdus migratorius
- Bank SwallowRiparia riparia
- Barn SwallowHirundo rustica
- Black-capped ChickadeePoecile atricapillus
- Black Geese* Brant *
- Black ScoterMelanitta americana
- BobolinkDolichonyx oryzivorus
- Brown-headed CowbirdMolothrus ater
- BuffleheadBucephala clangula
- Cardinals and allies* Northern Cardinal *
- Chickadees and Titmice* Black-capped Chickadee * Turfted Ttimouse *
- Chipping SparrowSpizella passerina
- Common EiderSomateria mollissima
- Common GrackleQuiscalus quiscula
- Common TernSterna hirundo
- Cooper's HawkAccipiter cooperii
- Cormorants* Double-crested Cormorant *
- Crows, Jays and Magpies* American Crow * Fish Crow *
- Dabbling Ducks* American Black Duck * Mallard *
- Diving Ducks* American Black Duck * Black Scoter * Bufflehead * Long-tailed Duck * Common Eider * Red-breasted Merganser * Surf Scoter *
- Doves and Pigeons* Rock Pigeon *
- Downy WoodpeckerDryobates pubescens
- DunlinCalidris alpina
- Eastern BluebirdSialia sialis
- Eastern PhoebeSayornis phoebe
- Eastern TowheePipilo erythrophthalmus
- Finches and alliess* American Goldfinch * House Finch *
- Fish CrowCorvus ossifragus
- Great Black-backed GullLarus marinus
- Great Blue HeronArdea herodias
- Great EgretArdea alba
- Greater YellowlegsTringa melanoleuca
- Grebes* Horned Grebe *
- Green HeronButorides virescens
- Gulls* Great Black-backed Gull * Herring Gull *Laughing Gull * Ring-billed Gull *
- Gulls and Terns* Gulls * Terns *
- Harlequin DuckHistrionicus histrionicus
- Hawks, Eagles and Kites* Cooper's Hawk * Osprey * Red-tailed Hawk *
- Herons and Egrets* Great Egret * Snowy Egret * Great Blue Heron * Green Heron *
- Herring GullLarus argentatus
- House FinchHaemorhous mexicanus
- Ibises* Glossy Ibis *
- KilldeerCharadrius vociferus
- Laughing GullLeucophaeus atricilla
- Least TernSternula antillarum
- Long-tailed DuckClangula hyemalis
- Loons* Red-throated Loon *
- New World Blackbirds and Orioles* Bobolink * Red-winged Blackbird *
- New World Vultures* Turkey Vulture *
- New World Warblers* Yellow Warbler *
- Northern Rough-winged SwallowStelgidopteryx serripennis
- Old World Sparrows* House Sparrow *
- OspreyPandion haliaetus
- Oystercatchers* American Oystercatcher *
- Passerines* Perching Birds *
- Piping PloverCharadrius melodus
- Plovers* Killdeer * Piping Plover *
- Red-bellied WoodpeckerMelanerpes carolinus
- Red-breasted MerganserMergus serrator
- Red-tailed HawkButeo jamaicensis
- Red-winged BlackbirdAgelaius phoeniceus
- Ring-billed GullLarus delawarensis
- SanderlingCalidris alba
- Sandpipers* Dunlin * Greater Yellowlegs * Sanderling * Willet *
- Savannah SparrowPasserculus sandwichensis
- Scoters* Black Scoter * Surf Scoter *
- Shorebirds* Plovers * Gulls * Sandpipers * Terns *
- Snowy EgretEgretta thula
- Song SparrowMelospiza melodia
- Sparrows* Chipping Sparrow * House Sparrow * Eastern Towhee * Savannah Sparrow * Song Sparrow *
- Starlings* European Starling *
- Surf ScoterMelanitta perspicillata
- Swallows* Bank Swallow * Barn Swallow * Northern Rough-Winged Swallow * Tree Swallow *
- Terns* Common Tern * Least Tern *
- Thrushes and Bluebirds* American Robin * Eastern Bluebird *
- Tree SwallowTachycineta bicolor
- True Swans* Mute Swan *
- Tufted TitmouseBaeolophus bicolor
- Tyrant Flycatchers* Easter Phoebe * Willow Flycatcher *
- Upland Game Birds* Wild Turkey *
- Wading Birds* Egrets * Herons * Ibises *
- Waterbirds* Waterfowl * Cormorants * Wading Birds * Shorebirds *
- Waterfowl* Diving Ducks * Geese *
- White-throated SparrowHaemorhous mexicanus
- WilletTringa semipalmata
- Willow FlycatcherEmpidonax traillii
- Woodpeckers* Downy Woodpecker * Red-bellied Woodpecker *
- Wrens* Carolina Wren *