- Accipiters* Cooper's Hawk * Sharp-shinned Hawk *
- Acorn WoodpeckerMelanerpes formicivorous
- American CootFulica americana
- American CrowCorvus brachyrhynchos
- American KestrelFalco sparverius
- American RobinTurdus migratorius
- Barn SwallowHirundo rustica
- Bewick's WrenThryomanes bewickii
- Black-capped ChickadeePoecile atricapillus
- Black-chinned HummingbirdArchilochus alexandri
- Black Geese* Canada Goose *
- Black PhoebeSayornis nigricans
- Black-throated sparrowAmphispiza bilineata
- Blue-winged TealSpatula discors
- Brewer's BlackbirdEuphagus cyanocephalus
- Brewer's SparrowSpizella breweri
- Broad-tailed HummingbirdSelasphorus platycercus
- Buteos* Red-shouldered Hawk * Red-tailed Hawk * Swainson's Hawk *
- Canyon TowheeMelozone fusca
- Cassin's FinchHaemorhous cassinii
- Cattle EgretBubulcus ibis
- Cedar Waxwing* Cedar Waxwing *
- Chickadees* Black-capped Chickadee * Mountain Chickadee *
- Chickadees and Titmice* Black-capped Chickadee *Mountain Chickadee * Juniper Titmouse *
- Chipping SparrowSpizella passerina
- Cinnamon TealSpatula cyanoptera
- Clark's NutcrackerNucifraga columbiana
- Common RavenCorvus corax
- Cooper' HawkAccipiter cooperii
- Coots, Rails and Cranes* American Coot * Sandhill Crane *
- Crows and Ravens* American Crow * Common Raven *
- Crows-Jays-Magpies* American Crow * Common Raven * Pinyon Jay * Steller's Jay * Clark's Nutcracker * Woodhouse's Scrub-Jay *
- Cuckoos* Greater Roadrunner *
- Dabbling Ducks* Mallards * Pintails * Shovelers * Teal *
- Dark-eyed JuncoJunco phaeonotus
- Diving Ducks* Lesser Scaup * Ring-necked Duck *
- Downy WoodpeckerDryobates pubescens
- Dryobates Woodpeckers* Downy Woodpecker * Ladder-back Woodpecker * Hairy Woodpecker *\
- Eared GrebePodiceps nigricollis
- Eastern PhoebeSayornis phoebe
- Eurasian Collared-DoveStreptopelia decaocto
- Falcons* American Kestrel * Merlin *
- Finches and allies* Cassin's Finch * House Fnch * Pine Siskin *
- Flickers* Northern Flicker *
- Gambel's QuailCallipepla gambelii
- Gnatcatchers* Blue-gray Gnatcatcher *
- Great Blue HeronArdea herodias
- Greater YellowlegsTringa melanoleuca
- Great-tailed GrackleQuiscalus mexicanus
- Grebes* Eared Grebe * Pied-billed Grebe *
- Green-winged TealAnas crecca
- Grey Geese* Ross's Goose * Snow Goose *
- Gulls* Ring-billed Gull *
- Hairy WoodpeckerDryobates villosus
- Hawks, Eagles and Kites* Northern Harrier * Cooper's Hawk * Red-tailed Hawk * Swainson's Hawk *
- Hermit ThrushCatharus guttatus
- House FinchHaemorhous mexicanus
- Hummingbirds* Black-chinned Hummingbird * Broad-tailed Hummingbird *
- Inca DoveColumbina inca
- Juniper TitmouseBaeolophus ridgwayi
- Kingfishers* Belted Kingfisher *
- Kinglets* Ruby-crowned Kinglet *
- Ladder-backed WoodpeckerDryobates scalaris
- Larks* Horned Lark *
- Lark SparrowChondestes grammacus
- Least SandpiperCalidris minutilla
- Lesser ScaupAythya affinis
- Lewis's WoodpeckerMelanerpes lewis
- Long-tailed Tits* Bushtit *
- MagpiesPica hudsonia
- MallardAnas platyrhynchos
- Mallards, Pintails and Allies* Mallard *Northern Pintail * Green-winged Teal *
- Mating Display[7 photos]
- Melanerpes Woodpeckers* Acorn Woodpecker * Lewis's Woodpecker *
- MerlinFalco columbarius
- Mimids* Curve-billed Thrasher *
- Mountain BluebirdSialia currucoides
- Mountain ChickadeePoecile gambeli
- Mourning DoveZenaida macroura
- New World Blackbirds and Orioles* Brewer's Blackbird *Great-tailed Grackle * Red-winged Blackbird *
- New World Sparrows* Juncos * Sparrows * Towhees *
- New World Vultures* Turkey Vulture *
- New World Warblers* Yellow-rumped Warbler *
- Northern HarrierCircus hudsonius
- Northern PintailAnas acuta
- Northern Rough-winged SwallowStelgidopteryx serripennis
- Northern ShovelerSpatula clypeata
- Nuthatches* Red-breasted Nuthatch * White-breasted Nuthatch *
- Old World Sparrows* House Sparrow *
- Passerines* Perching Birds *
- Pied-billed GrebePodilymbus podiceps
- Pigeons and Doves* Eurasian Collared-Dove * Inca Dove * Mourning Dove * White-winged Dove *
- Pine SiskinSpinus pinus
- Pinyon JayGymnorhinus cyanocephalus
- Plovers* Killdeer *
- Red-breasted NuthatchSitta canadensis
- Red-shouldered HawkButeo lineatus
- Red-tailed HawkButeo jamaicensis
- Red-winged BlackbirdAgelaius phoeniceus
- Ring-necked DuckAythya collaris
- Rock WrenSalpinctes obsoletus
- Ross's GooseAnser rossii
- Sandhill CraneAntigone canadensis
- Sandpipers* Least Sandpiper * Greater Yellowlegs *
- Sapsuckers* Williamson's Sapsucker *
- Savannah SparrowPasserculus sandwichensis
- Say's PhoebeSayornis saya
- Scaled QuailCallipepla squamata
- Scissor-tailed FlycatcherTyrannus forficatus
- Sharp-shinned HawkAccipiter striatus
- Shorebirds* Gulls * Plovers * Sandpipers *
- Shovelers and Allies* Northern Shoveler * Blue-Winged Teal * Cinnamon Teal *
- Shrikes* Loggerhead Shrike *
- Snow GooseAnser caerulescens
- Snowy EgretEgretta thula
- Song SparrowMelospiza melodia
- Sparrows* Black-throated * Brewer's * Chipping * Lark * Savannah * Song * Vesper * White-crowned *
- Spotted TowheePipilo maculatus
- Starlings* European Starling *
- Steller's JayCyanocitta stelleri
- Swainson's HawkButeo swainsoni
- Swallows* Barn Swallow * Northern Rough-winged Swallow * Violet-green Swallow *
- Swiifts* White-throated Swift *
- Thrushes and Bluebirds* American Robin * Townsend's Solitaire * Western Bluebird *
- Towhees* Canyon Towhee * Spotted Towhee *
- Townsend's SolitaireMyadestes townsendi
- Tyrant Flycatchers* Scissor-tailed Flycatcher * Black Phoebe * Eastern Phoebe * Say's Phoebe *
- Upland Game Birds* Scaled Quail * Wild Turkey *
- Vesper SparrowPooecetes gramineus
- Violet-green SwallowTachycineta thalassina
- Wading Birds* Cattle Egret * Snowy Egret * Great Blue Heron *
- Waterbirds* Waterfowl * Grebes * Wading Brids * Coots * Shorebirds *
- Waterfowl* Ducks * Geese *
- Western BluebirdSialia mexicana
- White-breasted NuthatchSitta carolinensis
- White-crowned SparrowZonotrichia leucophrys
- White-winged DoveZenaida asiatica
- Wigeons and Allies* American Wigeon *
- Wild TurkeyMeleagris gallopavo
- Wood and Mandarin Ducks (Aix)* Wood Duck *
- Woodhouse's Scrub-JayAphelocoma woodhouseii
- Woodpeckers* Downy Woodpecker * Ladder-backed Woodpecker * Williamson's Sapsucker *
- Wrens* Bewick's Wren * Rock Wren *