On the beach 2017-11-27Stairs to the Wellfleet Harbour Shore Winter comes 2017-11-26Dramatic Sky over the Massachussets coast Allen's Pond 2017-11-26Osprey nest on Allens Pond in the mid-ground The gloaming 2017-11-25Coastal marsh at Allen's Pond Wildlife Sanctuary Little River Inlet 2017-11-25Marsh near Buzzards Bay, Massachusetts Inlet Buzzards Bay 2017-11-24Crisp fall day in New England The gathering 2017-11-23Backyard stove and chairs on the East Coast Pastel sky 2017-11-22Sunrise from 36,000 feet over Missouri Harvest home 2017-11-21Low sun shdows on house with split tone. Last light 2017-11-20Sunset with the last direct light hitting the treetops on a crip fall day. The glory of..... 2017-11-19Oak with fall leaves under a lowering sun. Last leaves 2017-11-12Fall light under low mid-afternoon sun. Random Abstract (apologies to Branford) 2017-11-09Street repair zone at night: black and white with split tone Chiaroscuro moon 2017-11-06Moonrise on a cold fall evening Winter is coming 2017-11-05Cold fall day with developing clouds shot with a super wide angle lens DecemberOctober
Stairs to the Wellfleet Harbour Shore