Double-crested Cormorant 2021-07-29 Hudson Yards, NYC 2021-07-24 Snowy Egret, Maasachusetts 2021-07-23 Back again 2021-07-19 Back again 2021-07-19 New York Transit 2021-07-14 Tappan Zee 2021- Special Delivery 2021-07-11 Great Black-backed Gull 2021-07 Great Black-backed Gull 2021-07-10 Well aged stone 2021-07-09 Carolina Wren 2021-07-08 Eastern Towhee (showing off} 2021-07-07 Tanins 2021-07-06 Green Heron 2021-07-05 Heading Home 2021-07-04 Eye of the Beholder 2021-07-03 Nest Maintenance 2021-07-03 August June