
  • Moloney, K. A., E. L. Mudrak, A. Fuentes‐Ramirez, H. Parag, M. Schat, and C. Holzapfel. 2019. Increased fire risk in Mojave and Sonoran shrublands due to exotic species and extreme rainfall events. Ecosphere 10(2):e02592. 10.1002/ecs2.2592. [open access]
  • Perry, G. L. W., K. A. Moloney, and T. R. Etherington. Using network coonectivity to prioritise sites for the control of invasive species. Journal of Applied Ecology. 54(4):1238-1250.

  • Thomas, S. M.,  K. C. Abbott, and K. A. Moloney.  Effects of aboveground herbivory on plants with long-term belowground biomass storage.  Theoretical Ecology. 10(1):35-50
  • Fuentes-Ramirez, A.,  J. W. Veldman, C. Holzapfel and K. A. Moloney. Spreaders, igniters and burning shrubs: plant flammability explains novel fire dynamics in grass-invaded deserts. Ecological Applications 26(7):2311-2322.

  • Velázquez, Eduardo, Isabel Martínez, Stephan Getzin, Kirk A. Moloney and Thorsten Wiegand. An evaluation of the state of spatial point pattern analysis in ecology. Ecography 39(11):1025-1033.
  • Fuentes-Ramirez, A., E. L. Mudrak, P. C. Caragea, C. Holzapfel and K. A. Moloney. Assessing the impact of fire on the spatial distribution of Larrea tridentata in the Sonoran Desert, USA. Oecologia 178:473-484.

  • Fuentes-Ramirez, A., J. L. Schafer, E. L. Mudrak, M. Schat, H. A. Parag, C. Holzapfel, and K. A. Moloney. Spatio-temporal impacts of fire on soil nutrient availability in Larrea tridentata shrublands of the Mojave Desert, USA. Geoderma 259: 126-133.

  • Thomas, S. M. and K. A. Moloney, “Combining the effects of surrounding land-use and propagule pressure to predict the distribution of an invasive plant” Biological Invasions 17(1):477-495.
  • Mudrak, E. L., J. L. Schafer, A. Fuentes-Ramirez, C. Holzapfel and K. A. Moloney. Predictive modeling of spatial patterns of soil nutrients related to fertility islands. Landscape Ecology 29(3):491-505.

  • Wiegand, T. and K. A. Moloney. 2014. A Handbook of Spatial Point Pattern Analysis in Ecology.  Chapman and Hall/CRC Press. Boca Raton. 510 pp [info]
  • Jesse, L., M. Collyer, K. A. Moloney and J. J. Obrycki. Distribution of Megastigmus aculeatus (Hymenoptera: Torymidae) and the levels of seed predation of Rosa multiflora (Rosaceae). Weed Biology and Management. 13(3):79-88
  • Thomas, S. and K. A. Moloney. Hierarchical factors impacting the distribution of an invasive species: landscape context and propagule pressure. Landscape Ecology 28:81-93.
  • Schafer, J. L., E. L. Mudrak, C. E. Haines, H. A. Parag, K. A. Moloney and C. Holzapfel. The association of native and non-native annual plants with Larrea tridentata (creosote bush) in the Mojave and Sonoran Deserts. Journal of Arid Environments 87:129-135.

  • Yurkonis, K., B. Wilsey and K. A. Moloney. Initial species pattern affects invasion resistance in experimental grassland plots. Journal of Vegetation Science 23:4-12
  • Jeltsch, F., K. A. Moloney, M. Schwager, K. Körner, and N. Blaum. Consequences of correlations between habitat modifications and negative impact of climate change for regional species survival. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment DOI:10.1016/j.agee.2010.12.019

  • Sieck, M., P. L. Ibisch, K. A. Moloney, and F. Jeltsch. Current models broadly neglect specific needs of biodiversity conservation in protected areas under climate change. BMC Ecology 11(1):12

  • Chun, Y. J., C.-G. Kim, and K. A. Moloney. The comparison of life history traits between invasive and native populations of purple loosestrife (Lythrum salicaria) using nonlinear mixed effects model. Aquatic Botany 93(4): 221-226.

  • Jesse, L. C., J. D. Nason, J. J. Obrucki and K. A. Moloney. Quantifying the levels of sexual reproduction and clonal spread in the invasive plant, Rosa multiflora. Biological Invasions 12(6):1847-1854.

  • Yurkonis. Kathryn A., Brian J. Wilsey, Kirk A. Moloney & Arnold G. van der Valk. The impact of seeding method on diversity and plant distribution in two restored grasslands. Restoration Ecology 18(3):311-321.

  • Yurkonis. Kathryn A., Brian J. Wilsey, Kirk A. Moloney, Pauline Drobney & Diane L. Larson. Seeding method influences warm-season grass abundance and distribution but not local diversity in grassland restoration. Restoration Ecology 18(s2):344-353.
  • Chun, Young Jin, J. D. Nason, and Moloney, K. A. Comparison of quantitative and molecular genetic variation of native vs. invasive populations of purple loosestrife (Lythrum salicaria L., Lythraceae). Molecular Ecology 18(14):3020-3035.

  • Losure, D. A., K. A. Moloney, and B. J. Wilsey. Modes of crown vetch invasion and presistence. Amercian Midland Naturalist 161:232-242.
  • Moloney, K. A., C. Holzapfel, K. Tielbörger, F. Jeltsch and F. M. Schurr. Forum: Rethinking the common garden in invasion research. Perspectives in Plant Ecology, Evolution and Systematics 11(4):311-320.

  • Moloney, K. A., F. Knaus and H. Dietz. Evidence for a shift in life-history strategy during the secondary phase of a plant invasion. Biological Invasions 11(3):625-634.
  • Jeltsch F., K. A. Moloney, F. Schurr, M. Köchy, and M. Schwager. The state of plant population modelling in light of environmental change. Perspectives in Plant Ecology, Evolution and Systematics 9(3-4):171-190.

  • Schiffers, K., F. Schurr, K. Tielbörger, C. Urbach, K. Moloney, and F. Jeltsch. Dealing with virtual aggregation - a new index for analysing heterogeneous point patterns.  Ecography 31:545-555.

  • Chun, Y. J., M. L. Collyer, K. A. Moloney, and J. D. Nason. 2007. Phenotypic plasticity of native vs. invasive purple loosestrife: a two-state multivariate approach. Ecology 88 (6):1499-1512.

  • Losure, D.A., Wilsey, B.J. and K.A. Moloney. 2007. Evenness-invasibility relationships differ between two extinction scenarios in tallgrass prairie. Oikos 16(1):87-98.

  • Eccard, J.A., Dean, W.R.J., Wichmann, M.C., Huttunen, S.M., Eskelinen, E., Moloney, K.A. AND Jeltsch, F. 2006. Use of large Acacia trees by the cavity dwelling Black-tailed Tree Rat in the southern Kalahari. Journal of Arid Environments 64:604-615.

  • Jesse, L. C., K.A. Moloney and J. J. Obrycki. 2006. Abundance of arthropods on the branch tips of the invasive plant, Rosa multiflora (Rosaceae). Weed Biology and Management 6: 204-211.

  • Jesse, L. C., K.A. Moloney and J. J. Obrycki. 2006. Insect pollinators of the invasive plant, Rosa multiflora (Rosaceae), in Iowa , USA . Weed Biology and Management 6: 235-241.
  • Martin, L. M,. K. A. Moloney and B. J. Wilsey. 2005 . An assessment of grassland restoration success using species diversity components. Journal of Applied Ecology 42(2): 327-336.

  • Wiegand T. , E. Revilla, and K.A. Moloney. 2005. Effects of habitat loss and fragmentation on population dynamics. Conservation Biology 19 (1):108-121

  • Tews, J., K. A. Moloney and F. Jeltsch.  2004. Modeling seed dispersal in a variable environment: a case study of the fleshy-fruited savanna shrub Grewia flava . Ecological Modeling 175:65-76.

  • Wiegand, T. and K. A. Moloney. 2004 . Rings, circles and null-models for point pattern analysis in ecology. Oikos 104:209-229.

  • Nickel, A. M., B. J. Danielson, and K. A. Moloney. 2003. Wooded habitat edges as refugia from microtine herbivory n tallgrass prairies. Oikos 100:525-533.

  • Wichmann, M., F. Jeltsch, W.R.J. Dean, K.A. Moloney, C. Wissel. 2003. Implications of climate change for the persistence of raptors in arid savanna Oikos 102(1):186-202
  • Wichmann, M., K. Johst, K. A. Moloney, C. Wissel, and F. Jeltsch. 2003. Extinction risk in periodically fluctuating environments. Ecological Modeling 167(3) :221-231.

  • Jeltsch, F. and K. A. Moloney. 2002. Spatially-explicit vegetation models: what have we learned? Progress in Botany 63:326-343.

  • Seabloom, E. W., Kirk A. Moloney, and Arnold G. van der Valk. 2001.Constraints on the establishment of plants along a fluctuating water-depth gradient. Ecology 82(8):2216-2232.

  • Wolfe-Bellin, K. S., and K. A. Moloney. 2001. Successional vegetation dynamics on pocket gopher mounds in an Iowa tallgrass prairie. Pages 155-163 In Proceedings of the Seventeenth North American Prairie Conference. Seeds for the Future; Roots of the Past. N. P. Bernstein and L. J. Ostrander (eds.) North Iowa Area Community College, Mason City, Iowa, USA.

  • Klaas, B. A., K. A. Moloney and B. J. Danielson. 2000. The tempo and mode of gopher mound production in a tallgrass prairie remnant. Ecography 23(2):246-256.

  • Weber, G. E., K. A. Moloney, and F. Jeltsch. 2000. Simulated long-term vegetation response to alternative stocking strategies in savanna rangelands. Plant Ecology 150:77-96.

  • Wolfe-Bellin, K., and K. A. Moloney. 2000. The effect of gopher mounds and fire on the spatial distribution and demography of a short-lived legume in tallgrass prairie. Canadian Journal of Botany 78:1299-1308. ]

  • Jeltsch, F., K. A. Moloney and S. Milton. 1999. Detecting process from snap-shot pattern: lessons from tree spacing in the Southern Kalahari. Oikos 85(3):451-467

  • Wiegand, T., K. A. Moloney, J. Naves, F. Knauer, and P. Kaczensky. 1999. Finding the missing link between landscape structure and population dynamics: a spatially explicit perspective. American Naturalist 154:605-627.

  • Jeltsch, F., S. Milton, W. R. J. Dean, N. Van Rooyen, and K. A. Moloney. 1998. Analyzing the impact of small-scale heterogeneities and disturbances on long-term coexistence in semi-arid savannas. Journal of Ecology 86(5):780-794.

  • Klaas, B. A., B. J. Danielson, and K. A. Moloney. 1998. The influence of pocket gophers on voles in tallgrass prairie. Journal of Mammology 79:942-952.

  • Lobo, A., K. A. Moloney, O. Chic, and N. Chiariello. 1998. Analysis of fine-scale spatial pattern of a grassland from remotely-sensed imagery and field collected data. Landscape Ecology 13:111-131.

  • Lobo, A., K. A. Moloney, and N. Chiariello.  1998. Fine-scale mapping of a grassland from digitized aerial photography: an approach using image segmentation and discriminant analysis. International Journal of Remote Sensing 19:65-84.

  • Moloney, K. A. and N. Chiariello. 1998. Yield-density functions as predictors of landscape-level community dynamics in a serpentine annual grassland. Journal of Ecology 86(5):749-764.

  • Seabloom, E. A., A. van der Valk, and K. A. Moloney. 1998. The role of water depth and soil temperature in determining initial composition of wetland coenoclines. Plant Ecology 138:203-216.

  • Wiegand, T., K. A. Moloney, and S. J. Milton. 1998. Pattern analysis and landscape population dynamics: the influence of disturbance on the interactions between species. American Naturalist 152:321-337.

  • Moloney, K.A. and S. A. Levin. 1996. The effects of disturbance architecture on landscape level population dynamics. Ecology 72(2):375-394.

  • Moloney, K. A.  1993. Determining process through pattern: reality or fantasy? In Levin, S.A., T. Powell, and J. Steele (Eds.). Patch Dynamics. Lecture Notes in Biomathematics  Vol. 96.  Springer Verlag, Berlin.

  • Moloney, K. A., S. A. Levin, N. Chiariello, and L. Buttel. 1992. Pattern and scale in a serpentine grassland. Theoretical Population Biology 41:257-276.

  • Moloney, K.A., A. Morin, and S.A. Levin. 1991. Interpreting ecological patterns generated through simple stochastic processes. Landscape Ecology 5:163-174.

  • Moloney, K.A. 1990. Shifting demographic control of a perennial bunchgrass along a natural habitat gradient. Ecology 71:1133-1143.

  • Moloney, K. A. 1989. The local distribution of a perennial bunchgrass: biotic or abiotic control? Vegetatio 80:47-61.

  • Levin, S. A., K. A. Moloney, L. Buttel, and C. Castillo-Chavez. 1989. Dynamical models of ecosystems and epidemics. Future Generation Computer Systems 5:265-274.

  • Moloney, K.A. 1988. Fine-scale spatial and temporal variation in the demography of a perennial bunchgrass. Ecology 69:1588-1598.

  • Moloney, K.A. 1986. A generalized algorithm for determining category size. Oecologia 69:176-180.

  • Moloney, K. A.  1986. Wave and non-wave regeneration processes in a subalpine Abies balsamea forest.  Canadian Journal of Botany 64:341-349.

  • Moloney, K. A., L. J. Stratton, and R. M. Klein.  1983. Effects of simulated acidic, metal-containing precipitation on coniferous litter decomposition.  Canadian Journal of Botany  61:3337-3342.