NumeniusCurlews * Eurasian Curlew * Long-billed Curlew * Whimbrel * LimosaGodwits * Black-tailed Godwit * Marbled Godwit *ArenariaTurnstones* Ruddy Turnstone *CalidrisCalidris Sandpipers* Curlew Sandpiper * Eurasian Curlew * Dunlin * Ruff * Least Sandpiper * Pectoral Sandpiper * Sanderling * Little Stint * Gallinago Typical Snipes * Common Snipe * Wilson's Snipe *ActitisCommon and Spotted Sandpipers * Common Sandpiper *TringaShanks, Tattlers, and Allies * Green Sandpiper * Wood Sandpiper * Greater Yellowlegs * Lesser Yellowlegs * Solitary Sandpiper * Willet * CharadriidaeGlareolidae
* Eurasian Curlew * Long-billed Curlew * Whimbrel *