- ActitisCommon and Spotted Sandpipers * Common Sandpiper *
- Actitis hypoleucosCommon Sandpiper
- Actitis maculariusSpotted Sandpiper
- AlcidaeAuks, Murres, Guillemots, and Puffins
- ArenariaTurnstones * Ruddy Turnstone *
- Bar-tailed GodwitLimosa lapponica
- CalidrisCalidris Sandpipers * Curlew Sandpiper * Eurasian Curlew * Dunlin * Ruff * Least Sandpiper * Pectoral Sandpiper * Sanderling * Little Stint *
- Calidris albaSanderling
- Calidris alpinaDunlin
- Calidris ferrugineaCurlew Sandpiper
- Calidris melanotosPectoral Sandpiper
- Calidris minutaLittle Stint
- Calidris minutillaLeast Sandpiper
- Calidris pugnaxRuff
- CharadriidaePlovers and Lapwings
- CharadriusTypical Plovers
- Charadrius alexandrinusKentish Plover
- Charadrius dubiusLittle Ringed Plover
- Charadrius melodusPiping Plover
- Charadrius obscurusNew Zealand Dotterel
- Charadrius ruficapillusRed-capped Plover
- Charadrius semipalmatusSemipalmated Plover
- Charadrius vociferusKilldeer
- Chlidonias hybridaWhiskered Tern
- ChroicocephalusMasked Gulls * Bonaparte's Gull * Brown-hooded Gull * Black-headed Gull * Red-billed Gull * Silver Gull * Slender-billed Gull *
- Chroicocephalus geneiSlender-billed Gull
- Chroicocephalus maculipennisBrown-hooded Gull
- Chroicocephalus novaehollandiaeSilver Gull
- Chroicocephalus novaehollandiae…Red-billed Gull
- Chroicocephalus philadelphiaBonaparte's Gull
- Chroicocephalus ridibundusBlack-headed Gull
- GallinagoTypical Snipes * Common Snipe * Wilson's Snipe *
- Gallinago delicataWilson's Snipe
- Gallinago gallinagoCommon Snipe
- Gelochelidon niloticaGull-billed Tern
- Glareola pratincolaCollared Pratincole
- GlareolidaePratincoles and Coursers
- HaematopodidaeOystercatchers
- Haematopus bachmaniBlack Oystercatcher
- Haematopus finschiSouth Island Pied Oystercatcher
- Haematopus longirostrisAustralian Pied Oystercatcher
- Haematopus palliatusAmerican Oystercatcher
- Haematopus unicolorVariable Oystercatcher
- HimantopusTypical Stilts
- Himantopus himantopusBlack-winged Stilt
- Himantopus leucocephalusPied Stilt
- Himantopus mexicanusBlack-necked Stilt
- HydrocoloeusLittle Gull
- Hydroprogne caspiaCaspian Tern
- IchthyaetusLarge Black-headed Gulls * Audouin's Gull * Mediterranean Gull *
- Ichthyaetus audouiniiAudouin's Gull
- Ichthyaetus melanocephalusMediterranean Gull
- LaridaeGulls, Terns, and Skimmers
- LarinaeGulls
- LarusLarge White-headed Gulls * Great Black-backed Gull * Heermann's Gull * Herring Gull * Southern Black-backed Gull * Pacific Gull * Ring-billed Gull * Western…
- Larus argentatusHerring Gull
- Larus canusCommon Gull
- Larus delawarensisRing-billed Gull
- Larus dominicanusSouthern Black-backed Gull (Kelp Gull)
- Larus fuscusLesser Black-backed Gull
- Larus heermanniHeermann's Gull
- Larus marinusGreat Black-backed Gull
- Larus michahellisYellow-legged Gull
- Larus occidentalisWestern Gull
- Larus pacificusPacific Gull
- LeucophaeusHooded Gulls * Franklin's Gull * Laughing Gull *
- Leucophaeus atricillaLaughing Gull
- Leucophaeus pipixcanFranklin's Gull
- LimosaGodwits * Black-tailed Godwit * Marbled Godwit *
- Limosa fedoaMarbled Godwit
- Limosa limosaBlack-tailed Godwit
- NumeniusCurlews * Eurasian Curlew * Long-billed Curlew * Whimbrel *
- Numenius americanusLong-billed Curlew
- Numenius arquataEurasian Curlew
- Numenius phaeopusWhimbrel
- RecurvirostraAvocets
- Recurvirostra americanaAmerican Avocet
- Recurvirostra avosettaPied Avocet
- RecurvirostridaeStilts and Avocets
- RynchopinaeSkimmers
- ScolopacidaeSandpipers and Allies
- SternaTypical Terns * Common Tern * Forster's Tern * White-fronted Tern *
- Sterna forsteriForster's Tern
- Sterna hirundoCommon Tern
- Sterna striataWhite-fronted Tern
- SterninaeTerns
- Sternula antillarumLeast Tern
- ThalasseusCrested Terns * Great Crested Tern * Sandwich Tern *
- Thalasseus bergiiGreat Crested Tern
- Thalasseus sandvicensisSandwich Tern
- Thinornis cucullatusHooded Plover
- TringaShanks, Tattlers, and Allies * Green Sandpiper * Wood Sandpiper * Greater Yellowlegs * Lesser Yellowlegs * Solitary Sandpiper * Willet *
- Tringa flavipesLesser Yellowlegs
- Tringa glareolaWood Sandpiper
- Tringa melanoleucaGreater Yellowlegs
- Tringa nebulariaCommon Greenshank
- Tringa ochropusGreen Sandpiper
- Tringa semipalmataWillet
- Tringa solitariaSolitary Sandpiper
- Tringa totanusCommon Redshank
- Uria aalge* Common Murre *
- VanellusLapwings
- Vanellus chilensisSouthern Lapwing
- Vanellus miles novaehollandiaeBlack-shouldered Lapwing
- Vanellus vanellusNorthern Lapwing