The Golden Hour2020-05-31 Alien2020-05-30 Baltimore Oriole #22020-05-29 Pájaro sin nombre (Least Flycatcher)2020-05-29 Ground Hog Day 2020-05-29 Common Grackle2020-05-28 Foxes2020-05-27 Iris2020-05-26 Hovering cardinal2020-05-25 Polypore fruiting body2020-05-24 Graduation under Covid-19: Making the best of it2020-05-24 Fledgling Robin (dinner for one?)2020-05-23 Common Yellowthroat2020-05-23 American Redstart Female2020-05-23 Eastern Kingbird2020-05-23 Northern Parula Warbler2020-05-22 Yellow Warbler2020-05-22 American Redstart #32020-05-21 Great Crested Flycatcher2020-05-21 American redstart (#2)2020-05-20 JuneApril