Osprey on the hunt2020-06-30 Downy Woodpecker2020-06-29 Untitled [Bald eagle overlooking the Des Moines River]2020-06-28 Baltimore Oriole2020-06-27 (two-fer) Killdeer2020-06-27 Nonchalant (Female red-winged blackbird near a pond)2020-06-26 Yellow-billed Cuckoo2020-06-25 Indigo Bunting2020-06-24 Wrendition2020-06-23 Chipping sparrow2020-06-22 On a wire (apologies to Leonard)2020-06-21 Phantasm2020-06-20 Alert2020-06-20 New growth - old cone2020-06-19 Orchard Oriole female2020-06-18 Hot Summer Shade2020-06-17 American Robin 2020-06-16 Red-Tailed Hawk2020-06-15 Dickcissel2020-06-14 Setting2020-06-13 JulyMay