Greater Roadrunner 2020-09-30"In the morning, roadrunners often “sunbathe” to warm up after a cold night in the desert: with its back to the sun, the bird raises the feathers across its… Safety inspection2020-09-29 Red-breasted Nuthatch 2020-09-28Appears to be an injured bird Chickadoodle2020-09-27 Eye to Eye2020-09-25 Liftoff2020--09-22 Doppelganger2020--09-22 Conclave2020-09-20 Chow Time2020-09-19 Belted Kingisher 2020-09-18Cool bird - far way - so so photo - beta test Red-breasted Grosbeak 2020-09-17Male juvenile Southern Lapwing 2020-09-12Valdivia, Chile 2009 Ghost Fish 2020-09-07Frozen in Grays Lake Ada Hayden2020-09-02 OctoberAugust
"In the morning, roadrunners often “sunbathe” to warm up after a cold night in the desert: with its back to the sun, the bird raises the feathers across its…