Just Hangin' 2020-11-30[In honor of Willis Alan Ramsey - remember him?] Disrupted Sleep2020-11-27 Happy Turkey Day!2020-11-26 Follow the Leader2020-11-26 Beaver2020-11-23 The Dance2020-11-23 Juvenile Bald Eagle 2020-11-212020-11-21 Bald Eagles Soaring 2020-11-216 shown of a group of 8 Song sparrow2020-11-19 Downy2020-11-17 American Tree Sparrow2020-11-09 Pax2020-11-07 Summer Tanager 2020-11-06Rare Sighting on November 2[Tedesco Environmental Learning Corridor, Ames - thanks to Claus for help IDing] Trail Art on Election Day2020-11-03 Harris's Sparrow2020-11-02 Fall's End2020-11-01 DecemberOctober
[In honor of Willis Alan Ramsey - remember him?]